Lovemark Buildout

A brand built on shaky foundations – a weak or non-existent identity, purpose, vision, and message – has virtually no chance of ever achieving Lovemark status.


These cornerstones are that important. They represent the seed from which everything else grows.


Without them, a brand is doomed to a life of mediocrity.


But even built on a solid base, a brand will fall flat on its face if it isn’t able to successfully convey its identity and its essence to the world. That’s why its online presence is so vital. It’s the mouthpiece through which a brand can captivate and seduce its target market.


The whole objective of the Lovemark Buildout is to put all these pillars in place for your brand, so that you can then take the reins and grow it into a successful Lovemark.

What’s Involved

The Lovemark Buildout picks up where the Lovemark Blueprint or the Lovemark Blueprint+ leaves off. It essentially involves taking everything that was learned about your brand, and creating (or updating) its entire identity and messaging copy, plus more.


Once the Lovemark Buildout is complete all aspects of your brand’s foundation, online presence and any other messaging will be in place.

What You Get

I generally take three to five days to complete a Lovemark Buildout for your brand, which includes the following deliverables:


1) Brand name and slogan (3 variants).
2) Brand purpose, vision, USP and voice defined in writing.
3) Target audience (demographic) and avatar defined in writing.
4) Breakdown of major competitors.
5) Website home page copy.
6) Website ‘About Us’ page copy.
7) Website ‘Our Story’ page copy.
8) Additional messaging copy (if required).
9) Product names (if applicable) and descriptions.
10) Social media profiles.
11) Social media post strategy recommendations.
12) Growth strategy recommendations.


Once delivered, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss any of the completed work with me, and I allow for revisions if there’s anything that you’re not completely happy with.

The Cost

The total cost of the Lovemark Buildout is AUD$2,999.

“Branding is not just about being seen as better than the competition. It’s about being seen as the only solution to your audience’s problem.”


– John Morgan

Lovemark Buildout FAQ’s

Do I need to book my Lovemark Buildout immediately after my Lovemark Blueprint?

Not necessarily. As long as not too much has changed with your brand since we did your Lovemark Blueprint or Lovemark Blueprint+, there’s no time restriction on when you can opt for a Lovemark Buildout. I keep good records so it shouldn’t take me too long to get back up to speed with your brand in the event that some time has passed.

Can you build my brand website as part of my Lovemark Buildout?

While I am able to do web design, I’m not a professional web designer and I work very slowly. For that reason I choose not to do it for clients, but just for my own personal needs.


If you need a website built for your brand I suggest you consider a professional web designer or, better still (in my opinion), learn to use a good website design platform such as Wix, Squarespace, or WordPress yourself. All the website copy that you receive as part of your Lovemark Buildout will be in plain text format, which you or your web designer can insert directly into your website.

I just have one specific problem with my brand. Can you just help me with that and nothing else?

Unfortunately not. If that’s what you’re looking for then you would probably be best off enlisting the services of a branding consultant.


The scope of work for my Lovemark Buildout is fixed, and I work this way for a reason. From my experience, many struggling brand owners can often be mistaken about or even completely unaware of all the holes or shortcomings their brand actually has. If I were to help you to address just one specific issue, for example, who’s to say there aren’t several more that you’re unaware of sabotaging your brand’s growth? Realistically, taking that approach can make things complicated very quickly.

Do I need to pay up front?

I will only ask you to pay 25% of the total fee (AUD$750) up front, just as a gesture that you’re a serious client. Before getting started we will sign a working contract so that we both know what’s expected of each other. This contract will clearly lay out the terms for payment of the 25% deposit and the balance of the total fee.

What if I'm not happy with the results of my Lovemark Buildout?

Because we complete a Lovemark Blueprint or Lovemark Blueprint+ prior to starting a Lovemark Buildout, we’ll be well and truly on the same page with regards to your brand and what it’s about, so it’s very unlikely that there will be any unexpected differences of perspective.


Having said that, once you’ve received your deliverables from the Lovemark Buildout you’ll have the opportunity to discuss any of the completed work with me, and I allow for revisions if there’s anything that you’re not completely happy with.